Tag Archives: Mobile Development

First Ionic Nigerian Meetup & Mini Hackton, Date: 23rd January, 2016, Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm, Venue: [CC-HUB] Co-Creation Hub Nigeria – 294 Herbert Macaulay Road. Yaba. Lagos, Admission is FREE!!!

iconinewIt’s 2016 and Ionic is finally officially coming to Nigeria. Thanks to Sani Yusuf , the Organiser of the Ionic UK community and the CCHUB family, The first Ionic Event will be happening on the 23rd of January 2016 at the CCHUB In Yaba. There will be space for only around 90 people so be sure to secure your spot as soon as possible. 

The Agenda

  • Building Mobile Apps With Ionic & Angular – Sani Will kick things off by giving a very in-depth talk about Ionic V1 and tell you all about its great features. He will also showcase some really great live code and show you some really cool apps that have been built with Ionic all over the world. He will then round up by providing you with links and also touch on Ionic V2 a bit.
  • Break With Free Drinks Pizza & Swag 
  • Mini Hackathon – This is a short session where we will break into groups and all just learn to create some cool stuff with Ionic. There will be a mini giveaway where some cool mini gifts will be given away. The whole point is not to challenge each other, but to all come together have fun and build some pretty cool stuff.

Network opportunities with great people from startups like Haibrid, OOmec, Andela, Stutern, Devcenter.co e.t.c.

Date: 23rd January, 2016

Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Venue: [CC-HUB] Co-Creation Hub Nigeria – 294 Herbert Macaulay Road. Yaba. Lagos

Gate: FREE!! To register click – FIRST+ionic+NIGERIAN+meetup+mini+HACKTON

Lagos StartUp Week 2015, Date: 27th – 31st July, 2015, Venue: Lagos, Nigeria

lagos weekStartupLagos is a place to find the very best resources for your startup. SUL was borne out of an inert desire to modify Nigeria’s entrepreneurial landscape to one that offers greater value-added solutions where businesses are equipped beyond the daily battle of survival. SUL aims to create businesses which are empowered to make a difference through their diverse array of product and services, by starting locally and growing globally.  

SUL aims to imbibe a knack for excellence in as many startups in Nigeria and hopes to supportwardrobes banner 4 Nigeria in creating home grown global brands through the development of strategic implementation solutions. It takes daring vision and fearless determination to build an exceptional company that breaks the boundaries of what is thought possible. At the first Startup week in Africa, our speakers will share their experiences and inspire you to strive further.

Over the course of five days, participants in Startup Week can choose the events they’d like to attend. Typically these events are held at various venues across a city.

Speakers from the community, and outside it, are brought in to share their story to motivate and inspire the entrepreneurial community. Local organizers select the tracks they feel are most relevant to their community and choose speakers based on those tracks.

Date: 27th July, 2015 – 31st July, 2015

Time:  7:00pm – 10:00pm 

To REGISTER and for more details go to:
